Virgo Cluster

  4 Frames Mosaic

Select for a large image (1600x1100) here

Select for a larger image (4600x3200) here

Select for a labeled image (4000x2800) here



Galaxies Cluster
Constellation Virgo - Coma Berenices
Coordinates -
Magnitude -
Size 6 degree (FOV)


Optics Takahashi FSQ 106 f/5
Mount 10 Micron GM-2000
Camera Sbig STL-11000M
Exposure Luminance with clear filter 10x20 minutes each frame - Four frames mosaic

Frames acquired by Alberto Tomatis from ALTO Obs. (VT) Italy.

Below are the FITS files of the mosaic ready for processing, You can download and if You decide to publish please add the credit to: "Image acquired by Alberto Tomatis", thanks.

Virgo Cluster A

Virgo Cluster B

Virgo Cluster C

Virgo Cluster D


Where is this object in the night sky? Below a sky chart of the location (from Stellarium 8.0 planetarium).


